All 7 Harry Potter eBooks Now Available in Kindle Owners’ Lending Library

Harry Potter fans, rejoice! All 7 Harry Potter books have now been added to the Kindle Owners Lending Library, which makes them FREE to borrow at a rate of one per month to all Kindle owners who have registered for Prime membership! Better still, the books are being made available in multiple languages! From Amazon’s … Read more

Top Ten Reasons To Get Your Grad Or Retiring Dad A Kindle Fire

The graduation gown is off and soon junior will be heading off to college, or trade school, or work. Dad’s finally retiring and looking for productive ways to spend his newfound leisure time. Before you plunk down the cash to buy your graduate or newly-minted retiree a video gaming console, an iPad, a new smart phone or some … Read more

Editor’s Picks – Mercury Falls by Robert Kroese

<b>Editor’s Picks – Mercury Falls by Robert Kroese</b>

We’re introducing a new, regular feature here at Kindle Fire on Kindle Nation Daily: the Amazon Encore Spotlight. Today we kick off the new feature with an Amazon Encore Editor’s Pick: a book I’ve personally read and can personally recommend. Amazon Encore is one of Amazon’s own publishing imprints, and its editors are tasked with finding … Read more