Being old ain’t easy, but it’s a lot more fun when chasing down a killer… Who’s Killing All My Old Girlfriends (Old Guys Murder Mystery) by Jon Spoelstra

Who’s Killing All My Old Girlfriends (Old Guys Murder Mystery #1)

by Jon Spoelstra
4.4 stars – 60 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Being old ain’t easy, but it’s a lot more fun when chasing down a killer.

Meet Charlie North, retired columnist, now blogger. With one of his blogs, he springboards to be the top suspect of cops from LA, Chicago and Miami for the murders of his three former girlfriends.

Cornered, Charlie investigates the first murder. He hires a private detective, Reggie Parker, the daughter of a retired LAPD friend. As they dig up clues, Charlie dutifully reports their findings in his blogs.

The blogs go wildly viral, shaking up the investigations of all three murders.

Charlie thinks he has the answers to the killings, and in a blog he fingers prime candidates for each murder. He promises in his next blog to provide go-to-prison proof of who did all three murders.

There’s a rousing finish at a lonely Oregon beach house where everything becomes clear, justice prevails in strange ways, and there’s at least one surprise where you smack the side of your head saying, ‘who knew?’

This is a fast read. Old guys like things fast.


***** “One of the few books I have ever read that I finished in a day and a half.”
***** “An easy to read novel that keeps you flipping the pages.”
***** “This reader for one, could not stop reading.”

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