FREE Political Thriller! The 2nd Fugitive: A Unit 22 Thriller by Mainak Dhar

The 2nd Fugitive: A Unit 22 Thriller

by Mainak Dhar
4.5 stars – 367 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:


I once worked for the government, going into missions that never officially happened, killing enemies we never officially killed. They gave me a bunch of medals, partly for doing my job well, mostly to keep my mouth shut.

My bosses tell me that I can now sit at a desk and not worry about killing people anymore. They tell me my latest mission is simple- babysit a gangster who is being extradited back from Dubai to face justice. It ends up being anything but simple when I realise powerful forces are at work to kill him before he can spill his secrets. To complicate matters, a beautiful stranger on the run decides I’m her ticket to freedom.

To complete my mission and get her to safety, I have the small matter of getting past ISIS gunmen, Pakistani commandos, Saudi assassins and the Russian mob.

Would make for quite a tale. If I stay alive long enough to tell it.

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