The long-awaited sequel to Noel Hynd’s classic million-selling espionage novel, FLOWERS FROM BERLIN! Return to Berlin: A Spy Story by Noel Hynd

Return to Berlin: A Spy Story

by Noel Hynd
4.5 stars – 427 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
‘Return to Berlin’ is the long-awaited sequel to Noel Hynd’s classic million-selling espionage novel, ‘Flowers From Berlin’.

It is early 1943 and the United States has been at war for more than a year. William Cochrane, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who was the central character in ‘Flowers From Berlin’, has enlisted in the United States Army. He has the commission of a major and is at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, training for combat. Suddenly his military orders are countermanded by Washington. He is ordered to report immediately to General William Donovan the Office of Strategic Services in New York City.

At OSS headquarters Cochrane, recently married, receives an assignment more perilous than combat. He is recruited into the fledgling wartime spy agency and assigned to travel to Europe. He is to make his way to Switzerland to meet with Alan Dulles, the Director of the OSS in Switzerland. There, if Cochrane is lucky enough to arrive, he will receive the second part of his orders: an espionage assignment. Under an assumed identity, Cochrane will make a heart-pounding return visit to Berlin, where he lived for a while in the 1930s. There is an assignment vital to the battle against Nazi Germany that only he, with his prior knowledge of people and places in Germany, can complete if he eludes capture by the ever-vigilant Gestapo. Or, with the odds heavily against his success in this assignment, will the assignment cost him his life?

Rich in accurate historical detail, heavily evocative of the terrifying era, ‘Return To Berlin’ is a fast-moving action-packed thriller that will be one of the top American spy novels of Fall 2019.

“Noel Hynd is a few notches above the Ludlums and Clancys of the world.” – Booklist

Raves for ‘Flowers From Berlin’ :

“This espionage thriller follows FBI agent William Cochrane’s efforts to stop a Nazi spy from assassinating FDR. Toss in a love affair with a British Secret Service operative and you have the makings of a page-turner. Complex in characterization, crisp in dialogue, and thorough in its background” – Library Journal

“First rate!” – The Cleveland Plain-Dealer

“A Chiller!” – Los Angeles Times

“A Super spy novel!” The Savannah News-Presse

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