These Seven Words Are The Secret to Manifesting The Law of Attraction In Your Life
I have been remarkably successful in manifesting the Law of Attraction in my life. In the few years since I started practicing it, I have sold two companies, built a 10,000 person direct sales organization, invested in and advised many startups. I have become financially independent and have taught the secret behind my success with the Law of Attraction to a lot of people.
There are many books, training programs, webinars and a helluva lot of other stuff claiming to teach how to effectively use the Law of Attraction. But most people struggle with these tools because they make it unnecessarily complex and difficult to follow. Too many rules, processes and tools take the fun out of practicing this life changing law.
I believe people are more likely to succeed if we keep things simple. This book has a very humble goal – to simplify the practice of Law of Attraction so more people can effectively manifest it!
This book is not meant for you if you are looking for a 200 page tome filled with pages after pages of text. This is an illustrated book and has 50 pages. Half of these are images and the other half are easy to read and follow text pages. It is meant for people who want books that are fast and easy to read and who would otherwise not read a long and complex book.
This Book is best read in Landscape Orientation
Law of Attraction says “Like Attracts Like”. I believe there are two likes- Inner Like and Outer Like. Our Inner Like attracts the Outer Like through the Law of Attraction. But how do we create an Inner Like that will attract the things we want?
In this book, you will learn seven highly effective words that hold the secret to manifesting the Law of Attraction. That’s right – just seven words!
Download this book to find what those seven words are and how you can effectively use them to start attracting things you want in your life.
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