A Guide to Re-thinking the Rhythm of Our Days… Everydayness: Intentional Practices for Seeing, Being, and Doing in a Post-Pandemic World by Mike Morrison

Everydayness: Intentional Practices for Seeing, Being, and Doing in a Post-Pandemic World

by Mike Morrison
4.7 stars – 52 reviews
Everyday Price: $6.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A Guide to Re-thinking the Rhythm of Our Days

“Most of us don’t take the time to contemplate how meaningful our lives are. We’re too busy. Everydayness inspires a blueprint for moment-by-moment gratitude, for conscious quality of every waking hour. If we all agree that life is terribly short, this book gives some relief to that pressure. It offers a path to conscious meaning and joy on a daily basis. If you’re seeking to define and connect with the values you cherish, consider Everydayness your crucial guide.”

—Diana Nyad–At age 64 completed the historic swim from Cuba to Florida, 111 miles in 53 hours. The subject of the Netflix film NYAD, starring Annette Bening and Jodie Foster.

Are you on autopilot, letting the days control you rather than intentionally living each day?

Do you yearn for a deeper sense of purpose, which can get lost in the busyness, fragmentation, and complexity of our contemporary lives?

Are you tired of reading self-help books that end up on the shelf next to the other ones you swore would change your life?

Forget self-help gurus with the standard “think positive” and “mind-over-matter” messaging. In his newest release, Everydayness: Intentional Practices for Seeing, Being, and Doing in a Post-Pandemic World, Michael Morrison, PhD, illuminates the research-supported and experience-inspired practices that can truly transform us.

Everydayness is the ultimate guide for those who are ready to reclaim their days with a newfound sense of appreciation, intentionality, and sensemaking that will positively shape who they will become. Get your copy today and start living a new life, one precious day at a time!

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