Dark comedy, philosophical musings, and failed relationships in a raw exploration of the human soul…. A Place Under the Sun: A Novel by Luis Urtueta

A Place Under the Sun: A novel

by Luis Urtueta
4.4 stars – 16 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

Dark comedy, philosophical musings, and failed relationships in a contemporary tale of greed, incompetence, and the search for identity.

A Place Under the Sun is a visceral and sardonic novel about misplaced agonies and ambitions. Enrique Ureta has moved to the Middle East to take a place under the sun of a well-paying, tier-1 management consulting firm. Introverted, immature, jumpy, distracted, judgmental, often arrogant, his professional aspirations are soon thwarted by the increasing importance of acting out a confident, flashy persona. Impressions, no matter how hurried, carry weight. The firm even uses C.G. Jung’s inspired theses to classify its employees by personality types and it is the results-driven Apollos who shall prevail. The job is unsurprisingly intertwined with thoughts of wanting out, but its deranged lifestyle offers Enrique (aka Henry) a veil with which to cover troubled relationships and its pay a cushion to brace himself from his baby boomer parents, who are highly in debt and about to look to him for help.

What critics have said about A Place Under the Sun:

“The author’s ability to explore themes of friendship, greed, competition, romance, and the search for identity in the story is commendable. A Place Under the Sun effectively captures the challenges and triumphs of immigrants building new lives in foreign lands, which adds a layer of cultural richness to the story.” Manhattan Book Review

“A careful and critical portrait of an international business man.” Kirkus Reviews

“I found A Place Under the Sun to be a literary masterpiece that mesmerizes with its intricate storytelling and vivid character portrayals. Readers are transported into a world of corporate chaos, personal dilemmas, and existential reflections. From the bustling offices overlooking the sea to the romantic streets of Paris, the narrative intertwines the lives of characters like Enrique, Julieta, and Henry. As tensions escalate and relationships evolve, the story delves deep into the complexities of human nature amidst the rigid structures of corporate life.” Saksi Shoni, Onlinebookclub.org

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