An up and coming artist is found brutally murdered in her apartment in… The First Cut (Book 8 in the John Keegan Mystery Series) by John Misak

The First Cut: (Book 8 in the John Keegan Mystery Series)

by John Misak
4.0 stars – 1 review
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Here’s the set-up:

It’s 1999 and NYPD Homicide detective John Keegan gets his first solo case. Cassandra Lavelle, an aspiring artist, is found brutally murdered in her apartment. Keegan investigates, seeing early indications that point to her boyfriend.

Just as the case appears cookie-cutter, details of a secret relationship with another man emerge. This older man eludes Keegan, having abandoned his residence and place of work. The lure of the mystery man draws Keegan in and he attempts an investigation with two suspects. He must choose the right one in order to fulfill the promise of justice he whispered to Cassandra as he encountered her body. How can a detective choose between two equally likely suspects? Keegan will find out, perhaps the hard way.

This trip to the past highlights the differences in investigation. The NYPD had just started integrating computers and other advanced tech into their procedures. The scare of Y2K nearly ended that, and Keegan’s first case highlights the benefits and fears of digital investigation.

At the same time, Keegan must manage his developing relationship with investigative reporter Elena Moreno. They look to a looming future but missteps by Keegan and Elena uncover the cracks in their relationship’s foundation. By the time the dust clears, Keegan will feel betrayed and alone, deciding to further engage with his investigation rather than deal with the collapse of his personal life.

In the end, Keegan will realize his life and career depend on how he manages his mistakes more than his successes. The partial justice he delivers to Cassandra and her family and the remnants of his relationship will forever guide his life and help shape him into the man he becomes.

The First Cut is an exciting trip back to the 20th Century and perfect for fans of procedural mysteries. The twists and turns will keep readers constantly guessing and the novel’s ending will provide insight into the imperfections within the justice system that all detectives must navigate.

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