Painters from the United States, Mexico, and Europe – what are they feeling? Find out in Paint It Blue by George Thomas Clark

Paint it Blue

by George Thomas Clark
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Here’s the set-up:

We wonder what they’re thinking, so we ask Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. And you, Picasso, what are you really like? Vincent van Gogh, please tell us more about your agony and inspiration. We must also learn about distinguished women – Paula Modersohn-Becker, Séraphine Louis, Lee Krasner, Diane Arbus, and others. I know they’ll tell us.

So will expressionists like Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Otto Dix. African American artists are certainly forthcoming. Charles White takes us inside his homes, and William H. Johnson invites us into his mind, a stimulating but often unsafe place. And other painters from the United States, Mexico, and Europe – what are they feeling? We find out as they Paint It Blue.

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