All Brad wants is to survive and return home to his family, but not until he embarks on the greatest adventure of his life… Connor’s Gambit by Z Gottlieb

Connor’s Gambit

by Z Gottlieb
4.3 stars – 640 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Brad Johnson is a lone witness to a UFO sighting and suddenly becomes an alien target. Risking everything to save Earth, he quickly finds himself embroiled in an off-world adventure, relying only on his training and streetwise skills to survive. While adjusting to his new life in space, Brad struggles to understand the bitter conflict between the aliens in an intergalactic war that has been waged for many centuries. Every day is a battle for survival which brings him closer and closer to the truth learning one faction threatens Earth’s security, while the other wants something entirely different. All Brad wants is to return home to his family, but not until he embarks on the greatest adventure of his life.
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