Nationally-known recording artist Nate Niklas has fallen in love with one of his dearest friends…. Lost Song by Brett Nelson

Lost Song

by Brett Nelson
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Here’s the set-up:
NOTE: “Lost Song” is a work of Christian fiction.

Nate Niklas, nationally-known recording artist, has fallen in love with his friend, Rachel. When he tells her of his true feelings, she tells him that she only wants to be friends. Heartbroken, he gives up his lucrative singing career and takes an extended trip to Ireland to assess his life, his ambitions, and most importantly, to take some time away from the woman with whom he needs to fall out of love. Telling only his best friend Carter of his plans, he leaves Los Angeles. In Hawley’s Island, Ireland, he meets a new batch of friends, where he learns that you can try to run away from a broken heart but there’s no hiding from it.

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