Blood Price

Hoctune, East Anglia, 1024.
Ulf, son of Lord Bjarke, lies dead – his body ravaged by a sudden sickness that was beyond the skill of any healer.
But Freya – housekeeper to Lord Bjarke and midwife to countless Hoctune women – suspects the hand of Thorgunnr – Ulf’s own stepmother – may be involved; for Ulf stands to inherit his father’s wealth and titles ahead of her own new-born son.
But when Freya confronts her with the truth, Thorgunnr sends her warriors to kill her.
Freya’s husband Sihtric, having survived the infamous battle of Assandun and countless other conflicts, must break his oath to his wife to never pick up his sword again, to fight for Freya’s life.
After narrowly escaping death, Freya and Sihtric seek justice for the slain boy.
Sithric must cross swords with his former shieldwall companion.
A blood price must be paid.