Victorious Worship: Winning in Life Through the Power of Worthy, Wired, and Wise Worship
Is your faith in God barely hanging on by a thread?
You know that God loves you, but you sure don’t feel Him right now. You know that Jesus paid the price for your sins, but yielding to temptation seems like a much better idea than fighting yet another losing battle. You’re always staring the same old problems in the face, and the biggest problem of all stares back at you every time you look in the mirror.
BUT God is looking for people who, despite their problems, are still determined to find a way to give Him praise and adoration. You can Worship Victoriously in all seasons and all situations for the glory of God.
Don’t miss Andre Mitchell’s accessible, practical book about worship. In it, you’ll discover:
- What kind of worship God is worthy to receive
- The benefits of worship in your life
- The purpose of worship in the midst of difficulties
- How to keep your fallen nature from impeding true worship
- Why it is important to keep God first in your life
- The relationship between worship and wisdom
- How to make your worship worthy again
You’ll be encouraged to focus on God’s presence, on being better than the opponent or the obstacle, on winning rather than losing, and on what’s important now.