The Satisfied Introvert: A Life-Changing Story About Finding Safety in an Extroverted World

Being Quiet Is Not A “Defect.” An Eye-Opening Read For Introverts And Those Who Love Them.
“People don’t understand me…They imply I need to change myself…I want the inspiration to feel good about myself…”
As an introvert, you may have had these feelings since childhood. You probably have spent much of your life trying to overcome the supposed “defect” of being too quiet. As a result, you may never have felt completely safe in our extroverted world.
Perhaps you’re a homebody who at times feels like a wallflower. Possibly around others you’re often silent, or appear to be self-interested. Maybe you’ve been meaning to read Susan Cain’s Quiet, or have already read it.
If this describes you, The Satisfied Introvert could be life-changing. It is the story of a boy who at age four is so introverted that he tries to run away from home to get away from his talkative mother. As he grows up, he constantly feels pressured to be more of an extrovert. So he develops a “recipe” for being more outgoing: he builds a separate step-by-step process for everything he does.
This strategy gets him through the high-performance, “introvert hell” environments of Stanford University, the Harvard Business School, the US Army, and corporate America. But eventually it leads to a divorce, a bankruptcy, and two job losses in a row.
Late in life, he learns that a person’s degree of introversion is related to brain chemistry. Only then does he find the courage to lean openly into his skills as a straight-up introvert, and attain the safety and satisfaction that he’d always sought.
This author’s journey will help you to see yourself as an introvert in a powerful new way, leaving you not only wiser, but also safer and far more satisfied with your life.
Some of the many review comments from readers:
“Benjamin Plumb just changed my life. I found tips, tidbits, and tricks that I will carry with me forever. Introverts, you need this book.”
“…profound and beautifully written…”
“…I felt this book to my core.”
“…most anyone will learn something from this book, introvert or not…”
“Once you get your eyes on the Prologue…you don’t want to put it down.”
Experience the joy, the relief, and the pride of living openly as an introvert. Read this book today!