A brutal storm. A cryptic message. A life changed… forever. The Owner’s Secret: A Secret Billionaire Romance Book 4 by Kimberley Montpetit

The Owner’s Secret, Billionaire Romance: Sweet Small-Town Romantic Suspense (A Secret Billionaire Romance Book 4)

by Kimberley Montpetit
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Here’s the set-up:

A brutal storm. A cryptic message. A life changed . . . forever.

Melody de Lyon’s cozy New Orleans bookstore is her pride and joy – until a violent hurricane sweeps it all away. Forced to flee the storm by boat with her ailing grandmother, she wonders how she will ever pick up the pieces of this disaster.

In a fevered state, her grandmother utters a cryptic message that sets Melody on the quest of a lifetime: “Go to White Castle.” With nothing left to lose, Melody seeks out the old mansion – a beautiful Southern relic haunted by secrets. Once there, she finds Britt Mandeville, the handsome and charming White Castle caretaker. Fireworks erupt between them but any hopes of a relationship are dashed when she learns that Britt is already engaged.

When Melody stumbles across a strange 60-year-old photograph in the house, she is determined to find answers – and the shocking revelations and strange twists of fate lead her right back to Britt. Can she put all the pieces of the puzzle together, or will family secrets and true love be lost to her forever?

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