Quiet the noise of the daily hustle… 90% price cut! The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, and Navigate the Future by Chris L. Johnson

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The Leadership Pause: Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, and Navigate the Future

by Chris L. Johnson
Everyday Price: $9.99
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Here’s the set-up:

In The Leadership Pause, master somatic leadership coach, trauma psychologist, and mindfulness instructor Chris L. Johnson takes you on a guided journey into your most truthful future as a leader. Johnson’s call to action is for all leaders—new and seasoned professionals alike—to take on the important practice of pausing.

The Leadership Pause shows how to quiet the noise of the daily hustle so you can hear the still-small voice of purposeful curiosity that lives within you, which breeds wisdom in both work and life.

The Leadership Pause teaches

• the gift of mindful awareness that leads to clarity of mind and heart, reduced stress, and increased resilience;
• a deeper connection to self;
• a clearer vision of the natural leader resting just beneath the surface.

Johnson shares stories from established and powerful leaders about how they’ve used pause practices to transform their previous strategies and ways of thinking and behaving to find greater meaning and purpose in their work. This book is for anyone looking to deepen their impact on the lives around them, leave a profound mark on their organizations, and build a legacy of intentional focus, pragmatic ambition, grounded compassion, and empathy-in-action.

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