67% Price Cut! Fight The Stupid: The Concerned American’s Pocket Guide to Stupidparty Fake Facts, Illogical Logic, and Valueless Values by Patrick M. Andendall

Fight the Stupid: The Concerned American’s Pocket Guide to Stupidparty Fake Facts, Illogical Logic, and Valueless Values (StupidpartyLand Book 4)

by Patrick M. Andendall
3.9 stars – 21 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Here’s the set-up:

A tool to help decent Americans to win virtually any political argument against any Trump enabler.

This directory to editorials, compiled and published by award-winning author Patrick Andendall, refutes 101 myths. Organized by topic, making it easy to fact check or prepare to counter Trumpian falsehoods, topic categories include:

  • Voter suppression
  • The environment
  • Religion, values and abortion
  • Race and misogyny
  • Obama
  • Guns…and more
  • Charts, graphics, political cartoons

This will be no ordinary election—any margin of victory of less than 5% may lead to a massive meltdown of US society, as one party has no values and no intention of surrendering power, playing by the rules, allowing people access to vote, counting the votes.

That party is now encouraging extrajudicial actions, intimidation, lies, and conspiracy theories—all akin to actions taken by Nazi Germany in 1933—that would destroy democracy, the rule of law, and basic human rights.

This is where this pocket guide kicks in—it will eviscerate the myths that are the life blood of America’s mortal enemies.

Use this tool to find the sick and often deadly myth and then click to access the facts. This tool removes the stress and massive wasted time fact checking when confronted with the hydra’s head of belligerent ignorance.

No need to reinvent the wheel—rebuttals to the deadly nonsense are all here.

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