Naked Determination, 41 Stories About Overcoming Fear
by Gisela Hausmann
4.6 stars – 105 reviews
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Here’s the set-up:
*1st Place, Gold Medal 2014 – Readers’ Favorite Awards – Non-Fiction – Motivational *3rd Place, Bronze Medal 2013 – eLit Awards – Inspirational/Motivational It may be the most entertaining book about overcoming fear ever written.
Gisela Hausmann’s 41 stories of adventure tell us about overcoming fears all of us know: the fear of the big bully, of being rejected, and, of not finding love. There are also the fears of not getting the job or not being able to do the job, and so much more. Readers will wonder what in the world Gisela might experience next as she travels halfway around the globe in her quest for adventure, freedom and “seeing it all.” A modern day adventurer, Gisela learns how to seize the day and follow her passion. In this book she shares her stories, nakedly.