Two men who served on opposite sides of the Mason-Dixon Line during the Civil War, seek to bring justice to a devastated family: The Aspen Grove by Jane Fulkerson

The Aspen Grove

by Jane Fulkerson
4.8 stars – 40 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
The Aspen Grove is a story about a third generation Irish immigrant family living in Colorado in 1883. Daniel O’Neal, his wife Johanna, their daughter Sarah and their hired hands live a frugal but rewarding life raising cattle. A catastrophic event changes all of their lives forever and their friends and neighbors must come to their aid. Sheriff Nathan Westphal and his Deputy Wilf Bennington, two men who served on opposite sides of the Mason-Dixon Line during the Civil War, seek to bring justice to the devastated family. An unexpected twist takes the story in a different direction.
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