Twelve-year old Hummer is friendless, shy, and skinny. But put her on a horse, and she’s unstoppable… Hummer by Linda Gruenberg


by Linda Gruenberg
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

They called her Hummer because she did: all the time.
At least whenever she was thinking of horses, which is pretty close to saying all the time.
But there was one thing she desperately didn’t want to think about: why did her father sleep in the barn? And why didn’t Hummer’s mother come out of the house anymore–or even bathe?

˃˃˃ Twelve-year old Hummer is friendless, shy, and skinny. But put her on a horse, and she’s unstoppable. Her pony has gotten old; however, one night Hummer catches an escaped Arabian mare. When the owner, Old Man Riley, turns up, he lets Hummer borrow the horse – call it a loan – and together the horse and the old man help
Hummer find:



Courage to tell the truth.

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