The Third Crusade: The Crusades
by Mark Butler
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Here’s the set-up:
Ancient England’s great leader is Richard I—known as Richard the Lionheart—a warrior and king to his soul. At the height of his power, Richard leads a vast army of zealous Christians on the Third Crusade. Their goal is the capital of the world, Jerusalem.
Rayjo is an impoverished, young Spanish man. During a crime born of necessity, Rayjo and his friends encounter a mysterious soldier named Brutus who promises them treasures and glory in the distant lands of the Arab world. Enthralled by Brutus, Rayjo is swept up into the Third Crusade.
Across the bloody landscape, the legendary Muslim ruler Saladin awaits King Richard and the wave of European might coming to his very doorsteps.
Cast against the harsh realities of medieval life, Butler’s heroes race across woodlands and towering mountains, churning seas and scorched deserts. They are on a quest of shrouded motives, disturbing realizations, brutality and glory.