Chains of Time

1859 Mkembro, West Africa
“I know what’s going to happen,” says Amara as she wakes on the morning of her wedding to discover that she has been blessed — or cursed — with the power of prophecy. In her visions, she sees the slaver Van Owen, who will soon arrive on Africa’s shores. Her father will challenge the invaders, wielding magic against rifles and whips, and setting in motion Amara’s bid for freedom — a quest that will extend for five generations. But no wait is too long, for Amara can see far into the future.
Chains of Time tells two interweaving stories — Amara’s nineteenth century slave chronicle and the tale of her modern-day descendants, all of them fighting to find their voices, their redemption, and their freedom.
Praise for CHAINS OF TIME...
“A perceptive and gripping tale of race and family.”
— Kirkus Reviews
“★★★★★ The beauty of Woodstone’s prose evokes the intensity and allegorical journey that is usually reserved for literary fiction. The writing is simultaneously gorgeous, terrifying, and hopeful.”
— Readers’ Favorite
“An exceptional story that will place you in the heart and mind of each of the amazing characters. Prepare to be moved by a unique story that delves deep into the historical abuse of a people but has dynamic pockets of excitement, heartbreak, and the paranormal. Highly recommended.”
— Lesley Jones, international best-selling author
“R.B. Woodstone has crafted a thoughtful, time-spanning novel that touches on family, oppression, and otherness in Chains of Time… the dramatic blend of history, tragedy, and magic pulls a reader in from the very start.”
— Self-Publishing Review