Can Caitlin lead the charge on freedom, and start the revolution that will change her world? The Caitlin Chronicles Complete Series Omnibus by Daniel Willcocks and Michael Anderle

The Caitlin Chronicles Complete Series Omnibus

by Daniel Willcocks and Michael Anderle
5.0 stars – 2 reviews
Everyday Price: $9.99
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Here’s the set-up:

The Governor she trusted to protect her wants her dead. The target she was sent to capture wants to help her live.

You’ll love saving money on The Caitlin Chronicles boxed set because it includes four amazing books at a great price.

When Caitlin finally gets the chance to join her brother on a mission outside of the walls of the town she has been trapped inside all of her life, her entire reality is shaken.

Enemies appear in the strangest of places. The zombie-like ‘Mad’ roam the forests. Vampires and Werewolves from the fairy tales of her childhood become reality as Caitlin is forced to discover the truth of the Age of Madness and begin the fight for justice.

Can Caitlin lead the charge on freedom, and start the revolution that will change her world?

Set within the wonder of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe, discover the chaos and insanity of the Age of Madness—a time when the world turned on its head, and nothing is as it appears…

This complete series boxed set includes:

  1. Dawn of Chaos
  2. Into The Fire
  3. Hunting The Broken
  4. The City Revolts
  5. Chasing The Cure

NOTE: This boxed set contains cursing. Perhaps humorous cursing, but cursing nevertheless. If this offends you, we don’t suggest reading this book.

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