Some Laneys Died: A Skipping Sideways Thriller
by Brooke Skipstone
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
“No matter how hard it gets, there’s always a version of you who can fight a little longer.”
Laney’s world collapsed when she caught her dad cheating. He begged her not to tell, but she did. Her family fell apart and regret consumes her, especially when she learns every decision she makes spawns a new universe for the opposite choice.
If only she could skip sideways to the Laney who didn’t tell.
But her only escape is through her imagination, until a news story blurs the lines between worlds. Two girls were murdered at the same time and same place as her father’s adulterous act. Strange events lead Laney to believe their bones are connected to her and the sister she always wanted.
Laney now has another decision to make. Some Laneys say yes, while others say no; some live and some die.
And some skip between worlds.