Who or what is the dark force lurking in the shadows with the alien invaders? Power of Three: The Novel of a Whale, a Woman, and an Alien Child by Cathy Parker

Power of Three: The Novel of a Whale, a Woman, and an Alien Child (Power Rising Book 1)

by Cathy Parker
4.6 stars – 16 reviews
Everyday Price: $12.99
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

An alien child catapults by sheer chance to earth. A beluga whale longs for freedom from the cruel confines of her small blue pool. Two powerful other-worldly beings seek to plunder our world, destroying our people and our resources. 

In this fast-paced, science fiction thrill ride, it falls to the fiercely independent bystander, Shannon Kendricks, attorney and seaquarium volunteer, to return the child Essi to her world. To find a way to free the desperate beluga, Juneau. To defeat the ancient aliens. On the upside, with the arrival of Essi, Shannon is startled to find not only does her physical appearance change dramatically, but she now possesses useful, near-magical traits to help her with barriers that appear insurmountable.

But Shannon soon learns the most terrible threat comes from within: a bizarre lavender lightning strike has caused the minds of the beluga and child to enter Shannon’s own mind. Their presence consumes many more calories than Shannon can possibly take in. They are killing her. In a desperate attempt to finish what she’s set out to do before she dies, Shannon enlists the help of her friends. Not everyone will survive. And… who or what is the other dark force that Shannon discovers lurking in the shadows with the alien invaders?

The Power of Three is heartwarming, unique, and a great reading experience for those days when you want to read something that is entertaining and out of the norm!” 5 star review

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