Come Home Free
by Hunter Crainshaw
5.0 stars – 8 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
“Aria wanted to look back but she was afraid. After all, everybody knew what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back. So she ran.” So begins Come Home Free.
What is it like to live a life homesick forever? Aria never feels like she fits in her family. But when she falls in love with Luke Wagner, she thinks she has found “home.” Little does she know what a stranger she will become in her own life.
Clara feels like a stranger in her life too. How can a daughter be so different from her own mother? When her mother gives her the old family Bible, she hopes to discover answers in its pages. The answers she finds only make her feel less at home in her own body and with the people she calls “family.”
Though separated by more than 70 years, Clara and Aria seek truth–about themselves and the places and people they call home.
What is it like to live a life homesick forever? Aria never feels like she fits in her family. But when she falls in love with Luke Wagner, she thinks she has found “home.” Little does she know what a stranger she will become in her own life.
Clara feels like a stranger in her life too. How can a daughter be so different from her own mother? When her mother gives her the old family Bible, she hopes to discover answers in its pages. The answers she finds only make her feel less at home in her own body and with the people she calls “family.”
Though separated by more than 70 years, Clara and Aria seek truth–about themselves and the places and people they call home.
5-star Amazon reviews:
“Come Home Free is a delightful literary novel that invites you to experience the powerful but quiet side of people’s history across several generations spanning 70 years.”
“A beautifully written story, “Come Home Free” touches the deepest parts of life.”