Once he was a hero to millions; now he’s just a thief.
When Dan Robinson steals the space ship and travels to Tau Ceti E to pass it on to his boss, everything seems to be going smoothly.
Then the Hru-argh attack begins, and suddenly smooth is hardly the right word.
Dan ends up on the surface of the hot heavy planet, many kilometers from any human settlement, without the food, water or oxygen to reach safety. And he has to put up with Helen, even though he’s sure that she is only using him, and there’s something about a knife, and diamonds, that he really doesn’t want to know about.
Together, they find evidence of alien life, and set off in search of what maybe their only hope for survival, and man’s first contact with an alien intelligence, unless you count a devastating attack from space by the Hru-argh as first contact.
Meanwhile, many light years from Tau Ceti E, an enormous, dragon-like creature named Heldon is doing to her best to save the Galaxy from attack from Outside, and she really doesn’t want another extended war involving the belligerent and malodorous Hru-argh, so she sends Jashna to deal with their attack on Tau Ceti E. With his usual light touch, Jashna destroys the whole of the Hru-argh force, but he is not in time to save the Human settlements.
Anyone who knows the Hru-argh will hardly be surprised that their reaction to the destruction of their ships is to bring together the largest force of fighting ships in the history of the Galaxy, determined to annihilate the few remaining survivors on Tau Ceti E and then seek out and conquer the home system of the Humans.
Jashna has been sent off to deal with the threat from Outside the Galaxy, so it is left to a diminutive blue hominid going by the name of Stave to prevent a long term, extended and bloody war. He’s strange, and more than little creepy, but he has the motivation to get the job done; no matter what the cost to the parties involved.
In a Science Fiction thriller, told with more than a hint of humor, we find out what happens to Jashna in his intergalactic quest, how Stave achieves his ends, and how Dan finds something not only to live for, but to die for.
How do you like your Sci-Fi epic?
Packed with thrills and treachery? Boiling over with action and intrigue? Effervescing with humor and drama? Bursting with more aliens than you can shake a stick at?
Well, this might be just the one for you.
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