REHO: A Science Fiction Thriller (The Hegemon Wars)
by D. L. Denham

Nuclear war destroyed the OldWorld. But that was just the beginning. During humanity’s darkest hour, an ancient alien race struck, waging a two-year war with Earth’s survivors. Having lost, humankind scattered, waiting for the day to reclaim their planet.
D. L. Denham is a native of Ascension Parish in Louisiana. A life longer learner and lover of education, history, science fiction, and writing, he pursues a career both as a Social Studies educator and Science Fiction author. He is an alumnus of Southeastern Louisiana University and will finish his Master of Arts in History in Spring 2015.
When he is not teaching, he can usually be found at local coffee shops hammering away at his latest book or reading about kings and assassins from a bygone era. Reho is his first full-length novel and is the first of three in a planned series called The Hegemon Wars. Red Denver was his first published work and includes the protagonist REHO.
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