Vintage Captain Marvel Jr. Comics in Kindle Format!

Comic book collectors, Americana collectors and history buffs alike will want to check out the vintage, WWII era Captain Marvel Jr. series of comics, and now they’re available in Kindle format and are currently priced at just $2.99 each!

In this series from the 1940’s and early 50’s, the teenaged Captain Marvel Jr. is seen taking on foes from Hitler to Satanists, and helping to usher the U.S. into the era of space travel.

Note that these comics are a product of their times and may contain content that would be judged culturally insensitive or even offensive by today’s standards, so even though they were originally written for children, they are probably not appropriate reading material for the children of today. Their main value today is as a piece of history, and a sort of time capsule into the culture of their times.

From Wikipedia:
Captain Marvel Jr.’s alter-ego is Freddy Freeman, a crippled newsboy saved by Captain Marvel from the villainous Captain Nazi. Junior derives his powers from Captain Marvel himself, while the other Marvels derive their powers from the wizard Shazam.

By saying the name Captain Marvel, Freddy is transformed into the teenaged Captain Marvel Jr. Unlike Captain Marvel and the modern-era version of Mary Marvel, Junior remains a teenager in his transformed state.

Each of these Kindle versions include all of the original content of the comic books, from period advertising to puzzles and mini-comics. They’re also Kindle Panel View enabled, so each individual panel can be displayed in an enlarged view. Double-tap or pinch-zoom out to activate Kindle Panel View, double-tap or pinch-zoom in to deactivate. The series includes such titles as:

Captain Marvel Jr. Vol. 10


Captain Marvel Jr. Vol. 19


Captain Marvel Jr. Vol. 6


Click here to browse the full selection of vintage Captain Marvel Jr. comics in Kindle format.


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