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“The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sleaze-Free Selling” introduces Julia Kline’s 3-step Sleaze-Free Sales formula. This formula is a step-by-step blueprint to develop an effective, yet heart-centered, sales and marketing strategy for small business.
By reading this book, readers make a profound shift in the way they approach their customers. And by so shifting, begin to sell a lot more of products and services.
First, readers will lay a new foundation for their sales strategy through introspection about how they currently approach sales, customers and their goals. This is accomplished by reviewing their own current sleaze factor.
Second, they learn tactics to de-sleaze their sales process – fresh, surprising techniques to help them remember that their customer is a real person, one who does not respond well to the sleaze button. And of course, readers learn practical methods for turning their prospects’ “no’s” into “yeses” using these new, sleaze-free techniques.
Third, once their mindset has been shifted to this more heart-centered approach, Ms. Kline turns the reader to practical application. Topics include how to gain all the clients one ever needs, how to talk to potential clients about buying, and how to close the sale.
In short, by committing to read this book and complete the Action Plans at the end of every chapter, readers will:
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