Kids on Fire: 5th Grade Student Reviews Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas’ Memoir, Grace, Gold, and Glory: My Leap of Faith

We’re happy to share this post from our sister site, Kids Corner @ Kindle Nation Daily, where you can find all things Kindle for kids and teens, every day!

Student and teacher reviews are sponsored by the Kids Corner Book of The Week – Ben Woodard’s A Stairway To Danger (A Shakertown Adventure). Click HERE to Download A Stairway To Danger.

Mya’s Review:

Gabby’s story starts on December 31, 1995, the day she was born. On the day she was born her mom almost died from losing too much blood. As her mom laid on the hospital bed a nurse tripped trying to save her from bleeding to death. No one ever found out why she was bleeding so much. An hour later the nurse swaddled the baby Gabrielle Douglas, weighing in at about six pounds and five ounces.

When Gabby was a baby/toddler, money was very tight. Since Gabby was the youngest of four, her family made sure she was the first to eat. Later on that year her father left their family. Soon they could not afford a home. They had to start sleeping in their Dodge Van. When Gabby was one year old she was only 7 ½ pounds. Her family did not have enough money to take her to the hospital, so they just gave her vitamins and hoped for the best. Later someone found out about how Gabby was doing and paid for the doctors appointment. The doctor said she had a disease named “Branched Chain Ketoaciduria”. This disease is a rare blood disease that makes infants not able to process a specific protein.

A few years later she asked her mom if she could start gymnastics. The first time her mom said “NO!! Brie (Gabby’s nickname) you know money is tight”. A few years later when they moved into a apartment Gabby’s mom said “yes she could go to gymnastics”. From then on, Gabby has had the passion and ability to keep working in gymnastics, even when other teammates made fun of her. After years of training she decided to live with a foster family in Idaho to train for the Olympics!

I think that this book explained Gabby Douglas’ life very well. They started from her childhood and on. I do recommend this book to others. This book explains her life in her perspective and her siblings, mom and dad’s perspective. Her story is amazing. You could say “ok just one more chapter “, but then you would read two or three more chapters. This book is written well because it really hooks the reader.


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