Kindle Daily Deal For Teens: Women Heroes of WWII

Today’s Kindle Daily Deal for Teens is a great pick for inspiring girls, and will also make fascinating reading for anyone interested in World War II or stories of smart women who changed the course of history. Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance and Rescue (4.5/5 stars, ages 12 and up, priced at $2.99 today only) – From Amazon:

Organized by country, this historical exploration includes stories of girls and women from across Europe and the United States who risked their lives to perform extremely dangerous acts against the Nazis during World War II. The 26 profiles bring to life courageous women such as Noor Inayat Khan, a radio operator who parachuted into occupied France and transferred crucial messages; Johtje Vos, the Dutch housewife who hid Jews in her home and was repeatedly interrogated by the Gestapo; and Hannie Schaft, a Dutch law student who became involved in the most dangerous resistance work—sabotage, weapons transference, and assassinations. The profiles are written using dialogue, direct quotes, and document excerpts to lend authenticity and immediacy. Each profile includes one or more informative sidebars and is followed by a list of relevant books, websites, and films, making it an attractive resource for teachers, parents, and libraries.

Amazon reviewer Rebecca Vnuk says:

Atwood’s standout title brings to life 26 everyday women who made a difference during World War II. In brief, well-researched profiles, Atwood not only introduces these women, but really makes the reader feel as though they are getting to know them – including not only their accomplishments, but personal life details as well. There is simply not another book like it on the shelves.

Filled with photographs, bibliographies, and more, this is an essential title for school libraries but also a great pick for any reader interested in history. While written for Young Adult readers, this book does not flinch at the horrors of war and will appeal to readers at a higher reading level well – my 70-year old mother in law loved it and my husband enjoyed it, as did I!


Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance and Rescue  – get it today, while it’s just $2.99!



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