Fans of Civilization, Risk, and other large-scale empire-building games won’t want to miss this one! Plenty of people have paid the full, regular $4.99 for UniWar HD and felt it was worth every cent, but today only you can get this very popular app (avg review rating 4.5/5 stars) for free. From Amazon:
– Over 1.9 million of games played and counting
– 2011 Best Multiplayer Game Award: 2nd place
– 2009 Best Multiplayer Game Award Nominee
– 2009 Best Strategy Game Award Nominee
“…it’s impossible to pass up if you’re even remotely interested in turn based strategy games.” – TouchArcarde
“…I’m truly in awe of everything that has been captured and neatly packaged in UniWar…” – AppCraver – 10/10Been waiting for a multiplayer game for you and your friends? The wait is over! Here comes UniWar HD! UniWar HD is the online multiplayer turn-based strategy game for the iPhone [and now, for the Kindle Fire, too!]. Players take turns building their army and fighting against each other using the strengths of their units while taking advantage of the terrain. It is like chess or checkers but with a lot more possibilities and different boards. Join several games and move up the ranks to become the top player! Play anyone, anywhere at anytime! Spread the word and invite your friends to UniWar HD for even more fun.
This game is a classic! It is a blend between Advance Wars and StarCraft. Also in the same genre as Lux DLX on the iPhone but with a real online multiplayer mode added. Whether you are looking for an RTS or RPG, UniWar will satisfy your needs.
Amazon reviewer Sam Mitchell says:
I didn’t think such a game could exist on the Android platform. Even now, after spending HOURS with the game I still only barely scratched the surface. UniWar HD is like a great turn based strategy game of old, focusing on combat and base capture. While there is no diplomacy or other advanced options here, the game is still outstanding.
The premise of this app is both simple and complex. You have to take over the map by eliminating your opponents (up to EIGHT players at the same time) and capturing their bases. You must carefully use the units at your disposal to outmaneuver and gang up on your enemies, destroying them mercilessly. By taking these strongholds you will be awarded with more money each turn, allowing you to build more units, and laugh manically as your army rolls over the competition…
UniWar HD really is the complete package. There are plenty of options, including a very detailed Help option that will inform you on some of the more advanced tactics of the game. I suggest you go through it (or the campaign first) before jumping online because they will go over such things as medical bases, gang up bonuses, repairing, special abilities, etc. I made the mistake of venturing online first and got utterly annihilated (within a minute).
UniWar HD – available for FREE today only!