Kids on Fire: 10 Year Old Aidan Reviews The Secret of Kells

This week, 10 year old Aidan reviews the animated family film, The Secret of Kells.

Content Type: Movie

Description: The Secret of Kells is a story about a boy named Brendan who lives in a city with high walls with monks who make copies of religious books. He’s not allowed to go outside the wall but he wants to help Brother Aidan finish the greatest and most beautiful book of all time to help give their people hope. The book is called The Book of Kells. Brother Aidan needs a special kind of nut to make the ink for his book and Brendan agrees to go into the forest to get the special nuts. He meets a fairy girl named Aisling in the forest and she helps him find the nuts.

Brendan’s uncle is mad that Brendan went into the forest and tells him never to go back there, but Brother Aidan needs a special lens, like a magnifying glass, to finish his book and Brendan goes back into the forest to get Aisling’s help to find the lens. Aisling knows about a powerful spirit that has the special lens but doesn’t want Brendan to go there because the spirit killed her family and she’s afraid of him. But Brendan knows The Book of Kells will give his people the power to fight off the Vikings that are coming to destroy his city and the forest, so he needs to find the lens to save Aisling, too.

What I Liked: I like how Aisling can turn into a wolf and talk to all the animals. I like how Aisling will stay young like a little girl forever but she will still be queen of the forest and she’ll never die. I liked the animation too, it was very pretty and unusual.

What Could Be Better: I can’t think of anything to make the movie better.

Overall Rating:  5/5 stars

I Would Recommend To: I would recommend The Secret of Kells to anyone who likes family movies or animated movies. I would recommend it to anyone who likes fairy tales and legends.

The Secret of Kells is currently available in Amazon’s Instant Video Store to rent for $3.99 or buy for $12.99.


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