Book Spotlight: 3 Free Kindle Business Books

Now You're Thinking!We came across this on today, and are only too happy to share:

For what is sure to be a limited time, Amazon is offering three business-oriented e-books for free. No strings attached; all you need is a PC, a
Kindle, or any device capable of running a Kindle app (which means virtually every smartphone and tablet on the planet).

The books have a combined value of about $85, and all three have user ratings of at least four stars. Here’s the rundown:

“Know What You Don’t Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen,” by Michael A. Robert (normally priced at $26.99 for the digital edition).

Synopsis: “Problems remain hidden in organizations for a number of reasons, including fear, organizational complexity, gatekeepers who insulate leaders from problems that are coming up, and finally, an overemphasis on formal analysis in place of intuition and observation. This book lays out the key skills and capabilities required to ensure that problems do not remain hidden in your organization.”

Read the rest of the article on PC World, which also includes information on two additional well-reviewed business titles currently available for free in Amazon’s Kindle store.



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