You need some Wonder Woman in your life! A guide to the world’s greatest superhero: Star-Spangled Panties by Carol A. Strickland

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Star-Spangled Panties

by Carol A. Strickland
4.6 stars – 26 reviews
Everyday Price: $7.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

ou need some Wonder Woman in your life!

Fighting for our rights! Through the years Wonder Woman has shown us to be proud of who we truly are. To stand joyfully for principles that form our very hearts and who we want to be. To take a moment before using violence to solve a problem, and instead come up with a healing, win-win solution.

Now let lifelong WW fan Carol Strickland show you how she came to do that: how the character was concocted, how she was presented as a full-blown feminist in a comics world that was very much not so. Discover:

• That spectacular Wonder costume and how it’s changed
• Is there really a need for perma-boyfriend Steve Trevor?
• WW’s younger sister, Donna Troy
• Her most overused (yawn) villain
• Does eighty-year-old Wondie still hold a place in the 21st century?

Smash the patriarchy! Wonder Woman will save the world!

Join her in her cause and buy now!

“An exuberant manifesto about the Amazon’s meaning and depiction.” –BookLife Reviews

(Note: print version has black and white illustrations; digital has color.)

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