What have you placed on the throne in your life? Thrones in the Desert: A Novel Based on the Book of Luke (Kingdom Come Series 1) by Doug Peterson

Thrones in the Desert: A Novel Based on the Book of Luke (Kingdom Come Series 1)

by Doug Peterson
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Here’s the set-up:

THRONES IN THE DESERT does what no Biblical novel has done before. It weaves the story of five fictional characters through twelve chapters, with each chapter corresponding to the first twelve chapters of the Book of Luke.

The five main characters–a tax collector, a slave, a guard in Herod’s Palace, a Pharisee, and the daughter of a Zealot–have all placed a false god on a throne in their life, only to see it overturned by the rabbi from Nazareth.

“He has brought down rulers from their thrones. He has lifted up the humble,” said Mary, the mother of Jesus, to her cousin Elizabeth, when both women were expecting children of great promise. In THRONES IN THE DESERT, a young girl named Eliana overhears Mary’s proclamation but is unaware of the approaching storm in her life–and the Messiah’s ability to calm storms.

Follow Eliana and four others as they encounter Jesus. Their stories will challenge you to ask: What have you placed on the throne in your life?

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