Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!
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Raising Happy Toddlers: How To Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at Your Kids!

YOU can change your life and change your child’s life as well.
YOU can find joy, patience, calm and laughter while being the best parent you can be.
From certified child behavior expert, children with special needs educator, preschool and toddler teaching authority, mom of five (through a blended family) and grandma to nine, Celia Kibler, comes the must-have guide that all parents of toddlers need, Raising Happy Toddlers: How to Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at your Kids.
Parenting trends and fads come and go, but their ill-conceived teachings and poor priorities can have a drastic lasting effect on kids.
These trends contribute to children becoming entitled and out of control with little compassion, empathy, kindness, or self-regulation.
Through Raising Happy Toddlers, parents get back to the basics by:
- learning tactics to follow through with intentional parenting
- pro-active nurturing
- ways to empower your kids and regain control
- setting boundaries with consequences
- teaching core values
- understanding children’s limits
- practicing patience
- attention to emotional development
These important elements, when applied to earnest and loving parenting, will last a lifetime. Parents will actually enjoy being with their children and their children will feel safe, stable, supported, proud, and loved.
This book reads like a long-desired manual for parenting your toddler.
You will get easy to implement tools and strategies for:
- Dealing with toddler tantrums
- Potty training your toddler
- How to communicate with your toddler
- How to improve your patience
- How to get your child to sleep
- How to raise a spirited child
- Help for picky eaters
- Breaking habits
- How to deal with your child’s aggression
- Understanding your child’s Emotional development
- Discipline and consequences
- Boundaries and limits
- Schedules and routines
- The importance of play and fun
- How to listen to your child and get them to listen to you
- How to empower your child and your family
- How to build the best parenting skills to create calm and cooperation
This book covers everything you need to Raise Happy Toddlers!
YOU can be the parent you have always desired to be and no longer feel like a failure.
Raising Happy Toddlers: How to Build Great Parenting Skills and Stop Yelling at your Kids was created from experience, deep knowledge, and proven success from someone who knows kids. It’s written in Celia Kibler’s real voice and language, one that comes from active involvement in coaching parents and teaching the youngest children of all different and unique abilities. It is based on more than thirty years of real-life parenting, first-hand contact and successes of thousands of happy, focused, and empathetic children.
Trendy parenting philosophies and helicopter-parenting are on the wane. Parents need practical advice on raising compassionate, stable, kind and empowered kids without losing their own parental control. Celia Kibler provides the manageable tactics that all families can implement to reduce the chaos in their household and ultimately raise future adults who are grateful, patient, confident and self-secure.