Tired of feeling stressed out? (You and me both!) We’ve got you covered!
The Stress Overload Solution: A Proven, Neuroscience Method for Optimal Well-being by Laurel Mellin PhD

The Stress Overload Solution: A Proven, Neuroscience Method for Optimal Well-being

by Laurel Mellin
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Tired of feeling stressed out? Enter the age of brain-based health! This breakthrough book by New York Times bestselling author Laurel Mellin, Ph.D. will give you everything you need to appreciate that issues with mood, habits, relationships, and productivity are caused by a few faulty brain circuits. The solution is to enter the age of brain-based health and learn easy, proven techniques to shut off these wires and the harmful chemical surges they cause, and activate healing chemicals that bring us optimal well-being. The motivator for many people? Self-reliance, and less dependency on medications and procedures. The techniques work rapidly (in one to four minutes), so you can feel the difference right away. Using them over time promotes lasting results. Enter the age of brain-based health, and you will never look back!
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