Today’s Kindle Daily Deals!
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Self-Value: The Story of Me

Limited-Time Promotional Price. Please review and rate my story on Amazon!
I published my autobiography independently on Amazon. I enlisted the assistance of professional editors, proofreaders, beta reading groups, and invested the last ten (10) years of my life crafting, writing, and rewriting my life story. I honed it to perfection and you will have an entertaining reading experience.
My life story is about a mother and son in peril that finds serenity through their faith. In sharing my story, I highlight many problems society is faced with today such as domestic violence, illiteracy, bullying, low self-esteem, depression, and suicide. My story resonates with people fighting against those conditions and similar life experiences. This account of grand proportion has its fair share of humor, inspiration, suspense, betrayal, crime, sex and romance. Self-Value: The Story of Me (78,000 words), is an eye-opening, poignant, often hilarious story that explores my twelve years of childhood homelessness, juvenile delinquency and success.
The story begins with Brandon, a seven-year-old boy witnessing his mother and her abusive boyfriend huffing crack vapors from a coke can, a makeshift crack pipe, at their kitchen table in 1988. During the time the crack epidemic exploded within the black community. Each chapter in Self-Value: The Story of Me can stand alone. They chronicle the storyline of my childhood and adolescent experiences, over a decade of crime; crack and marijuana dealing, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, burglaries, robberies, and suicidal acts. The stories are arranged like a crazy quilt of turmoil in all their awe-inspiring, often dramatic and occasionally fear-provoking individuality. I believe that practicing self-value can lead to life improvement. Self-Value is a theme within my book. Self-Value is being audacious enough to constantly love and realize the value in yourself, even when no one else does. Given guidance and support, at-risk youth and impoverished families will find their own best way to live a productive life. There are many books today that are geared towards urban youth and inner city families, very few of those books have been written by one.
I am a by-product of all that is least desired and overlooked. When I was seven, I was functioning as an adult. By the time I made twelve, I was on my own and raised myself from that time forward. I grew up in a low-income community and was homeless most of my childhood. I’ve sold various illegal drugs, generally crack cocaine. I routinely engaged in a wide range of criminal activities, primarily burglaries, robberies, possessing illegal guns, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. I never knew my father therefore my mother was faced with the task of mastering both the roles of being mother and father. I witnessed my mother suffer many unforgiving attacks by her longtime crack addict boyfriend. Revisiting moments like these has been troubling, but I’ve found healing in sharing my story. I also established it’s curing to the hearts and minds of the readers who has or is currently living in similar situations. I humbly and graciously accept my purpose in life as one who strengthens the nation and give voice to the voiceless.
Listen to promotional audiobook chapters paste the following link: