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The Deceiving: Book Two in The Knowing Trilogy

The monster demon is BACK! …and he’s had twenty-six years to plot his revenge.
Defeated in 1985 by three twelve-year-olds, the demon called an efreet returns determined to kill them. In The Knowing, the first book of the trilogy, he sends five demon-possessed men to murder Jack Carpenter, Becca Hawkins and Daniel Burke—the now-adult twelve-year olds whose memories of that childhood summer when they battled a monster have been erased. Against all odds, the three escape and survive—only to discover that the man possessed by the efreet has been nominated to fill a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court.
In The Deceiving, the second book of The Knowing Trilogy, the efreet has changed his tactics. He’s no longer trying to kill the three who defeated him. In “less time than it takes to cook a pot roast” he totally devastates their lives instead—as payback, and to keep them too busy to oppose his court nomination. And the monster has other plans, too, unspeakable plans, uglier than any of them could possibly imagine.
In parallel storylines, as their adult counterparts fight to keep a demon-possessed man from sitting on the highest court in the land in 2011, we see what happened to the three twelve-year-olds when they battled the efreet during the summer of 1985.
Award-winning journalist and Christian thriller and suspense author Ninie Hammon has created a terrifyingly real world where the people fighting to defeat invisible monsters from the bowels of hell are folks you might bump carts with in the grocery store. People so ordinary, in fact, that when the unexplainable rips apart their lives, when demons destroy their reputations and attack their children, you begin to wonder if the same thing could happen to you, too. If you enjoy a fast-paced, suspense-filled story so gripping you’ll decide the dirty dishes aren’t going anywhere and the car will survive one more day without an oil change, The Deceiving is the book for you.
“I thought the first book in this trilogy, The Knowing, could not be topped. I was wrong. It grabbed me from the start and did not let go. What a ride!” 5 star review
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