When the seed money for Bud and Marta’s ranch is stolen from a local bank out of its Yankee-made safe, Bud and Marta go to Mexico to secure their future, come hell, high water, or steam-powered locomotives.
Ride Harder by USA Today bestselling author Gordon Rottman

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Ride Harder

by Gordon Rottman
4.3 stars – 14 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
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Here’s the set-up:

From Western Spur award-winning author Gordon L. Rottman comes Ride Harder, the sequel to USA Today bestseller The Hardest Ride.

Another classic western yarn from a master storyteller, Ride Harder follows cowpuncher Bud Eugen and his resourceful fiancée Marta as they confront all of the dangers Texas in the late 1880’s holds, both old and newfangled. When the seed money for Bud and Marta’s ranch is stolen from a local bank out of its Yankee-made safe, along with an Army arms shipment, Bud and Marta go back to Mexico to secure their future and that of Texas itself, come hell, high water, or steam-powered locomotives.

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