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Depression Anxiety and the Brain in Your Gut: How Thought, Emotion and Behavior Work and How to Get Back to Normal

Top 5 Critical Steps to Fix Yourself and the Non-Scientific Mental Health System
Step 1: Define Normal
Most people are astounded to learn there is not a clear definition for normal in the industry of Emotional Wellness (mental health). Without this definition, what is the objective? The answer is there isn’t one.This leaves one subject to a recommended lifetime of medication and therapy.Burris Institute has defined normal by defining behavioral epidemiology(behavior cause and control). This definition is used to establish baseline measurements for the client.
Step 2: Measure Outcomes
At Burris Institute, measurable outcomes at every session are used as a foundational tool to define normal and calibrate progress regarding the primary emotional drivers of depression, PTSD, (anxiety)anorexia/addiction and co-occurring disorders. Without measurable outcomes, how do you know where you have started, where you are going or where you have ended up?
How Thought Emotion and Behavior Work
Emotion and the resulting behavior could not happen without the process of thought. Therefore, after establishing an emotional baseline you will learn how thought, emotion and behavior work. When this foundation is established one can interrupt, restructure and reprogram any thought, emotion and behavior which does not work.
Fixing the mental health system requires accountability and this is done by first defining normal and then measuring outcomes based on this definition at every session. Burris Institute has faced fierce resistance to this over the past 27 years of measuring outcomes and defining progress of a client.
Step 3: Eliminate Labels
Labeling a long list of emotional issues as a disease enables pharmaceutical companies to sell you drugs for life based on the fact there is no cure for the disease they just invented. When normal is defined, a clear objective can be established and outcomes can be measured, tracked and improved over time. If it is indeed an emotional issue you are addressing and not a physiological issue, then labels are not only unnecessary they will cause stigma and ultimately impede your progress.
The Naming Convention of Mental Health and Mental Illness
The use of the term mental health and mental illness to describe aberrant emotion is at best deceptive and does not clearly represent the issue of the client. Emotional Wellness is a straight forward term that clearly and accurately describes what needs to initially be addressed and without the stigma or lack the of clarity of mental health or mental illness. By definition a thought process cannot be an illness or disease and emotion requires thought.
Step 4: No Personal History
If the objective is to feel better and get control of one’s emotional state digging into personal history while one is emotionally distressed can and will exacerbate emotional stress. If the emotional distresses specific to a thought process, which most if not all aberrant emotion is,then personal history or psychoanalysis is NOT useful. If a physiological issues confirmed, a medical history is most certainly appropriate.
Step 5: Measurement of Gut Health
With over half a billion neurons (brain cells) lining the gut and bidirectional communication with the main brain via the vagus nerve,measurement of gut health is not just a critical factor in Emotional Wellness(mental health) but overall physiological health. The Gut Health Checklist may reveal an issue that could prevent an Emotional Wellness Checklist from improving.
“Whether you are a nutritionist, a clinician or a psychotherapist, or a fitness trainer the program works, it works straight across the board. I think it allows you to look into the soul of yourself.” Janis Smith,PhD, MBC