Suicide Med
by Freida McFadden
4.6 stars – 30 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
There’s a reason Southside Medical School has been nicknamed “Suicide Med.” For the last six years, every year one student has taken his own life.
Except for last year. Last year was a murder-suicide.
The press has pointed to the heavy workload as the culprit in the high suicide rate. Some students believe that the school is cursed. And others believe that the deaths may not be suicides at all—that it’s no coincidence that Dr. Conlon, Southside’s quirky but beloved anatomy professor, joined the staff on the very year that the suicides began.
Either way, the same question echoes through the minds of every first year student at Suicide Med:
Who will be next to die?
“Suicide Med is a masterfully written novel that will expose you to the many themes of medical school. It will appeal to readers involved in healthcare and all others looking for a delightfully twisted, but captivating, read.” —American Medical Women’s Association
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