Juicing! Natural Cholesterol Solution: Juice and Smoothie Recipes for Cholesterol Lowering Diet (Diet Recipe Books – Healthy Cooking for Healthy Living Book 4)
by Julia Cussler
Juicing as a Natural Cholesterol Solution by Julia Cussler is a fact-driven guide for people who want to lower their cholesterol naturally and lose weight as a bonus. The book provides information you can use about cholesterol in general and specific tips to help you remember confusing medical terminology.
After understanding how cholesterol works in the body, the book briefly describes how unhealthy levels of cholesterol are diagnosed and details risk factors associated with high cholesterol. The dangers of high cholesterol are also addressed.
Potential side-effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs are investigated in great detail. This section is important for people currently taking statin drugs or those considering them. For example, the author reveals a powerful antioxidant our body manufactures that almost every cell in our body needs, which statin drugs destroy.
The next section explains juicing as a natural solution for controlling and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. For instance, by juicing the entire fruit or vegetable, our body gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Scientific evidence is provided to validate that by furnishing our body with correct nutrients, juicing can lower cholesterol as effectively as statin drugs.
The author then suggests “it’s time to have some fun” as we meet top vegetable and fruit “friends” that help lower our cholesterol. You’ll find step-by-step techniques to begin juicing along with comprehensive information about each fruit or vegetable, including any contraindications with mainstream drugs. Several surprises are revealed, such as a plant food we’ve shunned in the past that dietitians are now encouraging us to eat daily!
We are exploring health benefits and cholesterol lowering abilities of following superfoods:
User-friendly information is backed with clinical studies. Juice and smoothie recipes are specially adapted for each specific fruit or vegetable.
This just may be the book that inspires you to seriously use juicing as a natural cholesterol solution!
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