Kids on Fire: A Student Reviews Bestselling YA Novel The Shadows: The Books of Elsewhere: Volume 1

We’re happy to share this post from our sister site, Kids Corner @ Kindle Nation Daily, where you can find all things Kindle for kids and teens, every day!

Student and teacher reviews are sponsored by the Kids Corner Book of The Week – Jeff Gunhus’ Jack Templar Monster Hunter: The Templar Chronicles: Book One. Click HERE to Download Jack Templar Monster Hunter: The Templar Chronicles: Book One.

Yashvi’s Review:

The Shadows is a book about a girl named Olive who moves to a creepy mansion which belongs to a mysterious family called called McMartins. She finds that there is something peculiar going on. She discovers that there are 3 talking cats  and finds strange paintings that won’t come off the wall. She also finds strange spectacles that can magically let her transport in to those strange but very odd paintings. Olive also makes a new friend named Morton from the painting but Horatio, one of the cats, just puts him in another painting. She finds out that the McMartin family wasn’t just any old family they are….. read this fantastic tale to find out what happens next. But I will tell you one secret those cats are witches.

Educational Value:

I think this book is educational because it teaches you that you shouldn’t trust people with your secrets unless they’re sworn to secrecy. And that you should never buy an old house without making sure the neighbors don’t suspect the last owner.

Entertainment Value:

This book is entertaining because it’s like a big mystery where she thinks some people, or shall I say, paintings are nice. Well it turns out people or paintings aren’t who you think they might be.

Teacher: Julie Treadwell


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