Kids on Fire: A Student Reviewer’s Take On I Survived #2: I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 by Lauren Tarshis

We’re happy to share this post from our sister site, Kids Corner @ Kindle Nation Daily, where you can find all things Kindle for kids and teens, every day!

Student and teacher reviews are sponsored by the Kids Corner Book of The Week – Audrey’s Guide to Witchcraft (YA Paranormal Romance) by Jody Gehrman – 61 Rave Reviews. Click HERE to Download Audrey’s Guide to Witchcraft (YA Paranormal Romance).

Emma’s Review:

Chet was finally happy again in his new home in Elm Hills, New Jersey. He worked for his uncle Jerry at a local diner and finally had 3 new friends. Also it was summertime, the best part of the year. No school just chilling in the water. That all changed when a great white shark was attacking swimmers  along the Jersey shore not too far from his house in Elm Hills. So when Chet takes a nice little swim in the creek he sees a giant fin stick up in the water dangerously close to Chet. He thinks his mind is messing with him then he becomes face to jaw with this huge predator that could sense Chet’s fear. What happens???

Educational Value:

This book is very educational because it tells kids and adults to not except a easy ride through anything because things can turn from perfect to what happens to this little boy Chet.

Entertainment Value:

This book is very entertaining because I enjoyed the little twist it had and it’s a scary but awesome book to read. It’s like Jaws all over again. I hope you love the book as much as I do thanks.

Teacher Name: Julie Treadwell



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