Death is inevitable, like the lightning in the clouds…
Lightning in the Clouds: Journey and Passage by Glenn Trust

Lightning in the Clouds: Journey and Passage

by Glenn Trust

Lightning in the Clouds: Journey and Passage
4.6 stars – 8 Reviews
Kindle Price: 99 centsOn Sale! Everyday price: $3.49
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

It is always there, the lightning, sometimes hovering over our heads flashing in the clouds…sometimes distant, below the horizon. But it is always there. No one escapes, and when it calls…we will go.

‘Lightning in the Clouds’ is a collection of short stories dealing with the journey and passage that we all will take…alone
The genre of stories ranges, from Mystery, Suspense, Murder, Human interest, Social Issues and pure Bad Luck. Trust takes the reader on an emotional journey of laughter and tears, triumph and defeat, fear and anger at the lightning hovering over us all.

5-star Amazon reviews:

Death is inevitable, like the lightning in the clouds. The author did a wonderful job in this collection of short stories which take a look at death and therefore take a look at life...”

What a fantastic book!!

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