Amazing Bargain Alert – Great Kids’ Books For ONE CENT!

We just came across this amazing deal and had to share: right now most of Aaron Shepherd’s books are on sale for just ONE CENT each, and that includes some terrific books for kids.

That’s no typo, these Kindle books really ARE priced at just a penny each right now! Grab ’em quick, before the prices go back up!

The Baker’s Dozen: A Saint Nicholas Tale (4.5/5 stars, picture book) From Amazon:

Van Amsterdam the baker was well known for his honesty as well as for his fine Saint Nicholas cookies. He always gave his customers exactly what they paid for –not more and not less. So, he was not about to give in when a mysterious old woman comes to him on Saint Nicholas Day and insists that a dozen is thirteen!

The woman’s curse puts an end to the baker’s business, and he believes it would take Saint Nicholas to help him. But if he receives that help, will it be exactly what he imagined?

Find out in this inspiring legend from Dutch colonial New York about the birth of an honored American custom.

Kindle Fire on Kindle Nation Daily editor’s note: this book is gorgeously illustrated!


The Legend of Lightning Larry (4.5/5 stars, chapter book for early readers)

No outlaw could draw as fast as Lightning Larry.

But what really terrified those bad men was that peculiar gun of his. It didn’t shoot bullets. It shot light. And Larry always aimed for the heart.

Can Larry save the town of Brimstone from Evil-Eye McNeevil’s outlaw gang?

Find out in this rip-roaring original tale of a gunfighter with a huge smile and a hankering for lemonade.


Timothy Tolliver and the Bully Basher (4.5/5 stars, grade 3 and up)

Timothy Tolliver and his friend Arnie Rosenberg have a problem — a gang of older bullies called the Stinks. But besides being a fourth-grader, Timothy is also a world-class inventor. He and Arnie get the bright idea of defending themselves with Timothy’s science-project robot.

When their first try fails, Timothy finds a way to update the mystical formulas that gave life to the Jewish clay monster, the Golem. The robot comes alive, and it looks like their worries are over — till the robot stops following orders and takes matters into its own hands.

Can Timothy bring his creation back under control? Find out, as the Golem legend replays in a modern American elementary school.


The Songs of Power: A Finnish Tale of Magic, Retold from the Kalevala (4.5/5 stars, ages 10 and up)

Not so long ago, in the tiny, isolated villages of Finland, where prolonged summer days gave way to endless winter nights, people would pass the time by singing the many adventures of their favorite heroes: the mighty, magical men and women of ancient days.

They sang of old Vainamoinen, greatest of sages and magicians, who helped create the world but never could find a woman to wed him. They sang of his friend and ally Ilmarinen, first among craftsmen, the blacksmith who forged the dome of the heavens.

They sang of Louhi, the ancient lady of Northland, whose crafty wit and magical powers made her a worthy opponent for Vainamoinen himself. And they sang of Aila, Louhi’s lovely daughter, who captured the hopes of the two old friends and drew them as rivals to the shores of Northland.

And while these songs could still be heard, there came along a rural doctor, a scholar, who gathered and wove them together in a book he called the Kalevala. And so he created for Finns a national epic, and for the rest of the world, a work of wonder.

The songs endure, the heroes live. . . .

For ages 10 and up. (Not illustrated)


Click here to view all books in Kindle format by Aaron Shepard.


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